No1 : One click to IT solution
Icustodian TechnologiesIcustodian TechnologiesIcustodian Technologies
(Monday - Friday)
Awoshie, Accra
Icustodian TechnologiesIcustodian TechnologiesIcustodian Technologies

About us

Business Growth

With study growth we have been able to resiliently kept ourselves relevant of the years make us one of the fastest growing tech companies in Ghana.

Strategic Processes

Improved our work processes by working seamlessly from multiple sites thereby enabling us to work around the clock to satisfy our clients.

Renowned Standards

Due to global market standards,+ we seek to provide international standards for our solutions making us a sort after brand to connect with.
about us

We are here to manage your technology with experience

Technology Driven
Business Development Support
Operational Restructuring

Icustodian technologies is an information technology company which provides Software As A Services (SAAS) to companies, institutions and communities in Ghana and Africa as a whole. It was hailed from Ghana and provides standardized and top notch IT solutions to the modern business.

We continually improve our services and thus grow with you. Most companies in Africa are start-ups and medium scale with few large scale. Most of these companies need extensive IT support locally to improve hence we stick with them through the process. Staff training is key in our deliverables..


See how we work with a touch of experience

Why choose us

There are many tech companies but why choose us

 At Icustodian technologies, we do not leave you hanging, we continually improve our services serving you consistent updates and upgrades thus growing with you. Most companies in Africa are startups and medium scale with few large scale. Most of these companies need extensive IT support locally to improve upon staff training which is key, quickly solve pressing challenges which affect their operations and help focus on the work at hand.  

IT & Business Management

With background in business and IT we provide solutions which fit your company right.

We are local

We are a Ghanaian company providing you with consistent support.


We continuously work with you hence providing upgrades and maintenance

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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